Here to Hear

It is essential that each and everyone is able to fully take their place within the school community. If they have any doubts, questions or concerns, students are encouraged talk to a trusted adult.

Là pour vous entendre

Here to Hear. Here to Help

We strive to make Ecolint a place where all community members can be themselves, free from harm caused by exclusion, discrimination or bullying based on their sex, gender, religion, ethnicity, race, nationality, language, physical characteristics, age, or any other factor. We also know, as written in our Language Guidelines (produced by CdN students), that “discrimination appears in everyday life” and that “its impacts reach beyond the individuals involved and affect the community as a whole”.

We therefore “acknowledge our responsibility to ensure that all are attentive to the impact of our actions and words”. Being attentive means being aware, and actively standing up for ourselves and for our peers.  

If you encounter acts of discrimination, whether intentional or unintentional, it is important that you share your concerns. These concerns will not be overlooked. We will work with you to ensure that you are listened to, heard, and appropriate action is taken.


Students may approach any adult working in the school. Together, we will find restorative and appropriate solutions. Listening will make us more aware of what each of us needs to feel a sense of belonging.

See below the flow chart of how the information is processed by the Foundation: