Community life

With community events and projects spanning sports, humanitarian projects and musical activities, we aim to build stronger communities in everything that we do. On each of our three campuses we are lucky to have a vibrant and active Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

Community Life - PTAs

Our Parent Teacher Associations

Set up as independent bodies, the PTAs work closely with campus and school leadership to build community spirit among parents and staff, encourage communication between the school and parents, organise fun activities for families and the wider community and raise funds throughout the year which are reinvested in community projects at the school. The PTAs also provide a support system for families new to the school.

Examples of the sort of activities organised by PTAs include the annual school Kermesses (international fair), winter markets, food festivals, seasonal parties and many others. PTAs also regularly organise information sessions for parents on important aspects of school life like technology in the classroom, the sports programmes, summer camps etc.

The PTAs are always looking for volunteers to help organise activities and assist the teachers and administration. Getting involved with the PTA is a great way to meet people, learn about the school, and enrich campus life for the entire community.
