Leadership & Governance

The International School of Geneva is a not-for-profit Foundation established under Swiss law. Its manner of governance is laid down in a Charter and Regulations approved by the Federal Department of Home affairs. Managed by a Governing Board, the school is composed of the following entities and bodies.

Ecolint Governance photo

Entities and bodies of the Foundation

The Governing Board

It consists of twelve elected members, one member appointed by the Federal Council, two members appointed by the Canton of Geneva, and one member appointed by the Canton of Vaud. The Board also exercises its powers of co-option, for example by inviting the United Nations to nominate a representative. Elected members are chosen by an electorate that consists of parents, members of staff, former members of staff, and former students. 

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The Director General

The Director General is the Chief Executive and Educational Leader of the Foundation. He is responsible for the appointment of principals and directors of central Foundation departments, the planning of academic programmes and school facilities, the supervision of academic quality, and the financial, personnel and administrative management of the Foundation. He makes recommendations to the Governing Board.


Ecolint Leadership Team

The 16 members of the Ecolint Leadership Team constitute the senior management team of the Foundation. It is composed of the Director General, the Directors of Finance and Administration, People and Culture, Development and Alumni Relations, ICT, as well as the heads of the Institute of Learning and Teaching, Inclusion, Admissions and Extra-Curricular Activities, Communications and of the seven Campus and School Principals.

The Ecolint Leadership Team formulates policies, proposals and recommendations on any matters of importance which have a bearing on the functioning and development of the Foundation and assists the Director General in decision-making.

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