2024-2030 Strategic Plan
Ecolint’s 2024-2030 Strategic Plan is a rallying call for our community to come together as we celebrate 100 years of international education and set the stage for the next 100 years. The major challenges facing the world face Ecolint too: climate change, learning to live together peacefully, knowing how to keep abreast of innovation and ensuring that we design relevant, lifeworthy education systems. Our plan addresses these challenges through a key concept that runs through the whole: flourishing.
To flourish is to grow in a healthy, vigorous and resplendent manner within a living ecosystem. Our Strategic Plan is designed on this principle with students at the centre, so that the environment we create for our students supports and nurtures their own individual and collective flourishing.
This will take place across four broad domains: curriculum, global citizenship, innovation and sustainability. Within each of these four domains are four drivers that are implemented in tandem as the plan evolves with the driving force (to flourish) as the ongoing energy running through each domain.